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However, with that many participants, it is inevitable you need more effort to separate the wheat from the chaff. And frankly, there is more chaff than wheat in Elite Trader. But look carefully, and you will find the gems among them.
However, only Elite members can get access to the best content in the forum. Elite membership costs $100 for lifetime access. The membership offers some perks and discounts with certain trading vendors. To find out more about what the Elite membership offers, register first as an ordinary member.
The “Indices” and “Forex” sections are the two most active sections on T2W. As indices and forex are common instruments used by day traders, these sections are a decent platform for day trading discussion. Due to the many UK traders who are active in T2W, you can find UK-focused day trading discussions like “Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures?“.
In “Interactive Trading”, traders share their trades by posting charts and explaining them. Other traders would offer their opinion or ask questions about the trade. It is an excellent platform to learn from the trades of other day traders.
The “Trading Systems” section has one of the largest collection of user-contributed trading systems, from those based on proprietary indicators to those using simple price action. Even for non-forex traders, the Trading Systems section is a valuable source of ideas for day trading systems.
Many day trading brokers and trading product vendors offer their forums. These forums are primarily useful for finding solutions to vendor-specific issues. They also provide an insight into the level of support you can expect. The following is a list of such broker/vendor day trading forums.
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